SoC Basics
This article gives introduction to SoC basics,SoC execution flow. We will see what makes a SoC and steps involved in getting the chip from architecture to SoC samples.
What is SoC(System On a Chip)
An Integrated Circuit (IC) which has the system fully integrated on a single Die System. This represents a combination of general purpose processor,hardware accelerators, peripheral interfaces and storage devices.
Packaging,Connecting Die to Pins
Wire bond:
• Wires have Resistance and Inductance.
• Limitations on high frequency interfaces.
• Physical limitation on number of wires.
Flip Chip:
• Direct contact has low resistance and apprix. zero inductance
• High frequency interfaces
• Large number of interfaces
• Contacts can be in the middle of the die

SoC Execution Flow
Design Abstraction Levels
Lexical Coding or Behavioral Design, Functional Level- System Level, Algorithmic Level, RTL Level Netlist with Standard Cells-Gate level Typically used by Analog Designers-Transistor Level Mask output of Physical Design-Custom/Layout Level
Execution Flow Design Levels

Following are the steps involved in SoC design flow.
• System level algorithm design from the specification needed.
• Register tarnsfer level(HDL coding in RTL/DFT)
• Gate level(synthesis resulting into netlist)
• Schematic level(place and route resulting into layout)
• Silicon as output of the entire process
Production tests on RF and SoC devices
What is FPGA
FPGA kit -FPGA evaluation kit manufacturers
VHDL Tutorial
FPGA Implementation of MIMO
Beamforming smart antenna using FPGA
WiMAX SoC Vendors