Clock Frequency to Rise time calculator | Frequency to RT converter

This page mentions clock frequency to rise time calculator. It mentions formula for clock frequency to rise time conversion and vice versa.

Clock Frequency versus Rise Time

For re-created square wave with only few of the higher number of harmonics, bandwidth is inversely proportional to the rise time. The figure shows rise time in a square waveform with about 50% duty cycle.

Rise Time

BW = 0.35/RT,
BW is the bandwidth of a signal in GHz
RT is the 10 to 90% rise time in nsec

Rise time to Clock frequency Converter

Following calculator converts rise time to clock frequency.

Rise Time INPUT (nsec) :

Clock Frequency OUTPUT (GHz) :

INPUT : Rise time = 0.9 nsec
OUTPUT : Clock Frequency = 0.11 GHz

Clock Frequency to Rise time converter

Clock Frequency INPUT (GHz) :

Rise time OUTPUT (ns) :

INPUT : Clock Frequency = 1 GHz
OUTPUT : Rise time = 0.1 ns

Rise time to Clock frequency calculator Formula

Following equation or formula is used for Rise Time to Clock frequency conversion and vice versa.

Clock Frequency to Rise Time Calculator

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