Whiskbroom Sensor Vs Pushbroom Sensor-Difference between Whiskbroom Sensor and Pushbroom Sensor

This page compares Whiskbroom Sensor vs Pushbroom Sensor and mentions difference between Whiskbroom Sensor and Pushbroom Sensor or scanner types.

Whiskbroom Sensor

Whiskbroom Sensor

The figure-1 depicts Whiskbroom Sensor which uses linear or area array of detectors. Here image is built up by movement of satellite along its orbital track and by cross-track scanning using a mirror.

Cross-track scanner uses "back and forth" motion of the fore-optics. It scans each ground resolution cell one by one. Instantaneous FOV (Field Of View) of instrument determines pixel size.

Pushbroom Sensor

Pushbroom Sensor

The figure-2 depicts pushbroom sensor also known as along-track scanner. This sensor type uses linear array of detectors aligned cross track. Here reflected radiance passes through a lens and onto a line of detectors. Hence scanning mirror is not needed. Image is constructed by movement of the satellite along its orbital track.
Example: SPOT HRV (High Resolution Visible)

In this sensor type, area array can also be used for multi-spectral remote sensing. Dispersion is used in order to split light into narrow spectral bands and individual detectors.

Following table mentions comparison between Whiskbroom Sensor and Pushbroom Sensor.

Whiskbroom Sensor Pushbroom Sensor
Wide Swath Width Narrow Swath Width
Complex mechanical system Simple mechanical system
simple optical system complex optical system
Filters and sensors are used Dispersion grating and CCDs are used
Shorter dwell time Longer dwell time
Pixel distortion No pixel distortion

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