difference between RMI and HSI aircraft indicators

This page on RMI indicator vs HSI indicator provides difference between RMI and HSI aircraft indicators.

RMI-Radio Magnetic Indicator

RMI,Radio Magnetic Indicator

RMI stands for radio magnetic indicator. It points to the station which is similar to ADF indicator which points to the Non Directional Beacon(NDB). Aircraft heading is needed for this purpose. The difference between heading of aircraft and VOR radial gives bearing from aircraft to the VOR.

One such RMI indicator is shown in the figure. As shown there are two pointers viz. VOR and ADF. ADF pointer points to the NDB. The second one is usually used for VOR.

RMI indicator is useful for approach landing, to alter course and to change the navigation; for example from VOR to the NDB.

HSI-Horizontal Situation Indicator

HSI stands for Horizontal Situation Indicator. Following are characteristics or features of HSI indicator.

•  Directional Gyroscope to indicate aircraft heading information.
•  Warning flags to indicate unreliable information.
•  Manually adjust to desired Aircraft heading.
•  Manually adjust to a tuned ground station.
•  horizontal and vertical guidance during the approach phase and also landing phase.

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RF and Wireless Terminologies