Advantages of CO2 Laser | disadvantages of CO2 Laser

This page covers advantages and disadvantages of CO2 Laser. It mentions CO2 Laser advantages or benefits and CO2 Laser disadvantages or drawbacks.

What is CO2 Laser?

• It is very useful molecular gas laser.
• Lasing occurs at wavelength approx. between 9.6 to 10.6 µm. It is result of quantized vibrational and rotational energy levels of its molecules.
• Its structural arrangement is similar to argon laser.

CO2 Laser

• In actual CO2 laser system, CO2 gas is mixed with N2 and He. The function of N2 and He is to provide excited energy state to CO2 molecules.
• The typical power of the laser is about 500 to 15000 Watt in CW mode with efficiency of about 30%. This is highest among other gas laser types.
• There are various types of CO2 lasers. High power pulsed/CW lasers use transverse gas flow with fans which move gas through a laminar flow discharge region into a cooling region and back again. Low power lasers often use waveguide structures coupled with RF excitation to produce small and compact systems.

Benefits or advantages of CO2 Laser

Following are the benefits or advantages of CO2 Laser:
➨It produces very high power with relative efficiency. Hence it is used primarily for materials processing applications.
➨CO2 laser offers low cost per watt in addition to good beam quality. It generates high power output which ranges from few watts to 15 KWatts.
➨Its efficiency is better than He-Ne and argon laser types.
➨It has long life about 20,000 Hours.
➨Small size per watt of output power.

Drawbacks or disadvantages of CO2 Laser

Following are the drawbacks or disadvantages of CO2 Laser:
➨Divergence of CO2 laser is greater than He-Ne and argon laser. Divergence is ranging from 1 to 10 milli radians.
➨Beam width varies from 3 mm to 100 mm.
➨It has short and thick optical cavity.
➨It requires cooling system which is disadvantage for some of the configurations.
➨Its cost is comparatively higher than other laser types.

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