Fiber Loss Margin Calculator | Fiber Loss Margin Formula

This page covers Fiber Loss Margin calculator. The fiber loss margin formula is also mentioned.

LED Power (PL), mWatt (input1) :

LED to fiber loss (Lsf), dB (input2) :

Fiber loss (FL) , dB/km (input3) :

Fiber Length (L) , Km(input4) :

Connector loss (Lconn) , dB (input5) :

Fiber to detector loss (Lfd), dB (input6) :

receiver sensitivity (Ps), dBm (input7) :

Fiber Loss margin (Lm) , dB (Output1):

INPUTS : PL = 2 mW, Lsf=3 dB, FL = 0.5 dB/Km, L = 40 km, Lconn = 1 dB, Lfd = 3 dB, Ps = -36 dB
OUTPUT: Loss Margin ( Lm ) = 12.010 dB

Fiber loss margin formula/equation

Following equation/formula is used for fiber loss margin calculation.

fiber loss margin formula

Also refer difference between LED and Laser.

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