Memristor vs Transistor | Difference between memristor and transistor

This page compares memristor vs transistor and mentions difference between memristor and transistor.

Transistor : It is a three terminal active device which can be used as amplifier or switch. Transistors are of two types viz. bipolar (BJT) and unipolar (FET). They are used in many electric and electronic circuits. BJT consists of emitter, base and collector terminals. FET consists of gate, source and drain terminals.

Memristor : It is a two terminal passive component. This element relates electric charge and magnetic flux in electronic circuit. It is used in various applications including analog circuit, digital circuit, memory chips, neural networks, logic circuits etc. Memristors are mainly fabricated by two of the categories viz. molecular & Ionic thin film memristors and spin based memristors. Refer memristor basics>> and advantages & disadvantages of memristor >> for more information.

Difference between memristor and transistor

Following table mentions difference between memristor and transistor circuit elements.

Parameters Memristor Transistor
Functionality Composed of memory and resistor functionalities. It can control current and remembers charge flowed through it. Based on transistor types, it can control current (using BJT type) or voltage (using FET type).
Symbol memristor symbol BJT Transistor symbol
Type of device Passive Active
State retention It retains state in the form of resistance. It retains state in the form of electric charge.
Bias requirement It does not require power source to retain data state. It requires bias voltage source to retain data state.
Number of terminals Two Three (Source, Gate and Drain)
Scalability It is scalable by reducing thickness of memristor materials. It is scalable by reducing lateral length and width dimensions between input electrode and output electrode.
Capability It is capable to perform analog or digital electronic functionalities based on materials used in memristor construction. It is capable to perform analog or digital electronic functionalities based on applied bias voltages.
Fabrication Fabricated using optical lithography but alternative mass production techniques such as nano-imprint lithography and self assembly have also been implemented. Fabricated using optical lithography.
Switching speed nsec range µs range

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