Advantages of Magic Tee | disadvantages of Magic Tee
This page covers advantages and disadvantages of Magic Tee. It mentions Magic Tee advantages or benefits and Magic Tee disadvantages or drawbacks.
What is Magic Tee?
The magic tee (or magic-T or hybrid-tee) is a hybrid or 3-dB coupler.
It is a combination of E-plane tee and H-plane tee.
As shown in the figure-1, Arm-4 forms H-plane tee while
Arm-3 forms E-plane Tee with Arm-1 and Arm-2.
Arms 1 and 2 are called side or collinear arms. Arm-3 port is called "difference port" where as Arm-4 port is called "sum port"
To function properly, magic tee should incorporate internal matching structure. The structure typically consists of post inside the H-plane tee and inductive iris inside the E-plane limb. Magic Tee is used in wide variety of applications viz. as bridge for impedance measurement, as duplexer, as power splitter, as power combiner, as mixer, as circulator etc. Refer Magic Tee Applications>>.
Benefits or advantages of Magic Tee
Following are the benefits or advantages of Magic Tee:
➨Output ports are decoupled to each other.
As a result power delivered to one of the output ports does not depend on
termination at other ports.
➨In magic tee output ports are perfectly matched.
Hence power division between them does not depend on terminations
connected on any of the ports of magic tee unlike E-plane tee and H-plane tee.
In E-plane/H-plane tees, power division between ports depend on terminations at
respective output ports.
➨It is small in size.
➨It supports larger bandwidth.
Drawbacks or disadvantages of Magic Tee
Following are the disadvantages of Magic Tee:
➨When energy propagates through the arm of magic tee, it results into reflections
due to impedance mismatches at junctions.
This results into power loss.
➨ Moreover reflections cause generation of standing waves which results into internal
arcing. This limits maximum power handling capability of the magic tee device.
➨Lines are very narrow and close together.
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