Advantages of IoT Applications | disadvantages of IoT Applications
This page covers advantages and disadvantages of IoT Applications. It mentions benefits or advantages of IoT Applications and drawbacks or disadvantages of IoT Applications.
What are IoT Applications?
IoT stands for Internet of Things which refers to network of devices using internet.
These devices may include everything from cell phones, voice controller, Doorbell cam,
smart lock, mobile robot, smart switch, air quality monitor,
smoke alarm, thermostat, smart bulb, smart security, Ring Doorbell, smart plug,
coffee maker, washing machine, Airconditioner, smart watches and so on. Figure depicts few of the
applications of IoT.
The ioT has evolved due to convergence of multiple technologies, machine learning, real time analytics, commodity sensors, control systems, automation, WSN and embedded systems.
Minimum things required for IoT application to function as desired are hardware device, software, IP address, internet connection and cloud platform.
The hardware consists of sensors or embedded ICs. The IoT hardware is less expensive and consists of varying CPUs, memory and Operating system. These hardware devices are installed at various locations to collect the data using sensors. IP address is unique which is used to send or receive information in the form of IP packets.
The wired/wireless communication or internet connection allows IoT devices to communicate with each other. Various indoor (Wifi), outdoor (LPWAN) and cellular technologies (2G, 3G, 4G, 5G) are used in IoT (Internet of Things).
IoT generates huge amount of data daily which amounts to more than 100 exabytes per month. To store such big data, low cost cloud platforms are essential. The popular cloud storage providers are Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple, Barracuda networks, Dropbox and so on.
Benefits or advantages of IoT Applications
Following are the benefits or advantages of IoT Applications:
➨One can easily access any information from any part of the globe in real time.
➨The devices can communicate using various wired and/or wireless
transmission technologies. This makes devices more transparent and reduces inefficiencies.
➨The IoT applications based devices save money, time and energy.
It makes appliances communicate to each other in effective manner.
➨IoT makes automation of devices and systems a reality. This decreases human intervention and efforts.
➨IoT in healthcare domain helps patients and elderly in many different ways.
➨IoT in security domain helps monitor places remotely by connecting IoT security
devices such as alarm, camera, door lock and other sensors.
➨IoT in industry helps in tracking of assets, inventory control, energy
conversation, shipping and so on.
Drawbacks or disadvantages of IoT Applications
Following are the drawbacks or disadvantages of IoT Applications:
➨To run IoT network, many technologies and multiple vendors are involved.
Hence privacy and security of users are major concerns in such IoT applications.
➨IoT leads to loss of jobs and increases unemployment.
➨IoT network consists of many vivid technologies and hence single loop hole can affect the entire system.
➨It is difficult to design, develop and manage the complex IoT system.
➨The major challenge is interoperability between IoT devices developed by various vendors.
➨The IoT applications make people lazy and dependable.
Refer IoT Pros and Cons for more advantages and disadvantages on IoT (Internet of Things).
IoT Tutorial links
Advantages and Disadvantages of other Sensor Types
Articles on IoT based Systems
IoT based Fall detection system for elderly: The article covers architecture of the Fall detection system used for elderly people.
It mentions benefits or advantages of IoT Fall detection system.
Read More➤
Also refer other articles on IoT based systems as follows:
• AirCraft Lavatory Cleanliness System
• Collision Impact Measuring System
• Perishable Food and Vegetables Tracking System
• Driver Assistance System
• Smart Retail System
• Water Quality monitoring System
• Smart Grid System
• Zigbee based Smart Lighting System
• Zigbee based smart parking system
• LoRaWAN based smart parking system
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IoT (Internet of Things) Wireless Technologies
➤Zigbee RF4CE