Advantages of HTTP protocol | disadvantages of HTTP protocol
This page covers advantages and disadvantages of HTTP protocol. It mentions benefits or advantages of HTTP and drawbacks or disadvantages of HTTP.
What is HTTP?
It is used as web transfer protocol between clients (i.e. web users) and web server.
It establishes unsecured connection and it is prone to attack by hackers.
It uses normal TCP/IP and UDP protocols.
Secured version of HTTP is known as HTTPS. It establishes secured connection between client and server. The data are encrypted before transmission and hence it is safe throughout the connection path. HTTPS uses security protocols at transport layer SSL/TSL and also at layer-2 and layer-3.
HTTP is used for normal web browsing and email messenger applications. It uses port number 8080 or 80. It uses request/response protocol in client-server model. Here client submits HTTP request message to the server. The server provides resources such as HTML files and other content or performs other functions on behalf of client or returns response message to the client.
HTTP is an application layer protocol which uses TCP. HTTP/1.0 contains three methods viz. GET, POST and HEAD.
HTTP/1.1 has five methods viz. PUT, DELETE, TRACE, OPTION and CONNECT.
Benefits or advantages of HTTP
Following are the benefits or advantages of HTTP:
➨It offers lower CPU and memory usage due to less simultaneous connections.
➨It enables HTTP pipelining of requests/responses.
➨It offers reduced network congestion as there are fewer TCP connections.
➨Handshaking is done at the initial connection establishment stage.
Hence it offers reduced latency in subsequent requests as there is no handshaking.
➨It reports errors without closing the TCP connection.
Drawbacks or disadvantages of HTTP
Following are the drawbacks or disadvantages of HTTP:
➨It can be used for point to point connection.
➨It is not optimized for mobile.
➨It does not have push capabilities.
➨It is too verbose.
➨It does not offer reliable exchange (without retry logic).
➨Client does not close the connection when all the data it needs have been received.
Hence Server will not be available during this time period.
The successor to HTTP 1.0 are HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 protocols. They leverage many advantages over HTTP 1.0.
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