Advantages of Argon Laser | disadvantages of Argon Laser
This page covers advantages and disadvantages of Argon Laser. It mentions Argon Laser advantages or benefits and Argon Laser disadvantages or drawbacks.
What is Argon Laser?
• It is one of the gas laser type which operates in visible spectral region (about
0.488 µm wavelength).
• It works both in CW and pulse mode.
• The figure-1 depicts schematic structure of the argon laser.
• In this laser, carrier pumping is achieved by high electric discharge through argon gas filled tube using
DC (Direct Current) or RF (Radio Frequency) Process.

• Cooling jacket is employed due to large heat generation in this laser.
• Lasing output occurs for carrier transition between 4p level to 4s level in ionized state of
the argon gas.
• Average output power is in the order of 0.005 to 20 Watt (in CW mode).
It is several Kwatts in pulse mode.
Benefits or advantages of Argon Laser
Following are the benefits or advantages of Argon Laser:
➨It produces multiple wavelengths similar to
other ion lasers.
➨Argon laser produces high power output compare to
He-Ne laser type.
➨It is high gain system.
➨Argon laser has very less divergence
(about 1 milli radian) like He-Ne laser.
Drawbacks or disadvantages of Argon Laser
Following are the drawbacks or disadvantages of Argon Laser:
➨Overall efficiency of argon laser is very less
usually between 0.01 to 0.1%.
➨It requires large amount of power for its operation.
➨Construction of argon laser is very difficult.
➨Its cost is not as low as He-Ne laser type.
➨It requires high voltage power supply.
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