CTC(Convolutional Turbo Code) basics and specifications
This section of MATLAB source code covers CTC Encoder or Convolutional Turbo code matlab code.
The Convolutional Turbo Code Encoder or CTC Encoder is depicted in the following figure including constituent encoder. It uses double binary circular recursive systematic convolutional code.The following is the matlab code for the CTC structure defined in the figure.

Refer Turbo encoder page which describes basics of
CTC Encoder or Convolutional Turbo Encoder technique with rate 1 by 3 example used for
forward error correction.
The difference between convolutional encoder and turbo encoder is that in convolutional encoder input bits are not preserved and are altered. While in the case of turbo coding input bits are preserved and are multiplexed with other altered bits generated through encoder and (interleaver+encoder) modules.
CTC Encoder MATLAB Code
function OutBits = CTCEncoder(InpBits, N, P)
CircularStateTable = [
0 6 4 2 7 1 3 5;
0 3 7 4 5 6 2 1;
0 5 3 6 2 7 1 4;
0 4 1 5 6 2 7 3;
0 2 5 7 1 3 4 6;
0 7 6 1 3 4 5 2];
InitState = [0 0 0];
[Junk FinalState] = CTCRSCEncoder(InpBits, N, InitState);
Ri = mod(N, 7);
Ci = FinalState(1)*4 + FinalState(2)*2 + FinalState(3);
CS = CircularStateTable(Ri, Ci+1);
InitState(1) = floor(CS/4);
CS = mod(CS,4);
InitState(2) = floor(CS/2);
CS = mod(CS,2);
InitState(3) = CS;
[p1 FS] = CTCRSCEncoder(InpBits, N, InitState);
if sum(FS == InitState) ~= 3
disp('P1 mismatch')
IB = CTCInterleaver(InpBits, N, P);
InitState = [0 0 0];
[Junk FinalState] = CTCRSCEncoder(IB, N, InitState);
Ri = mod(N, 7);
Ci = FinalState(1)*4 + FinalState(2)*2 + FinalState(3);
CS = CircularStateTable(Ri, Ci+1);
InitState(1) = floor(CS/4);
CS = mod(CS,4);
InitState(2) = floor(CS/2);
CS = mod(CS,2);
InitState(3) = CS;
[p2 FS] = CTCRSCEncoder(IB, N, InitState);
if sum(FS == InitState) ~= 3
disp('P2 mismatch')
OutBits = zeros(6*N, 1);
for k = 0:N-1
OutBits(6*k+1) = InpBits(2*k+1);
OutBits(6*k+2) = InpBits(2*k+2);
OutBits(6*k+3) = p1(2*k+1);
OutBits(6*k+4) = p2(2*k+1);
OutBits(6*k+5) = p1(2*k+2);
OutBits(6*k+6) = p2(2*k+2);
function [ParityBits, FinState] = CTCRSCEncoder(InpBits, N, InitState)
%[ParityBits, FinState] = CTCRSCEncoder(InpBits, N, InitState)
%InitState = initial state of encoder (0 to 7) in binary
%FinState = final state of encoder (0 to 7) in binary
load 'CTCEncTable'
TNxt = CTCEncTable(:, 6:8);
TOut = CTCEncTable(:, 9:10);
ParityBits = zeros(2*N, 1);
CS = InitState;
for k = 0:N-1
A = InpBits(2*k+1);
B = InpBits(2*k+2);
m = CS(1)*16 + CS(2)*8 + CS(3)*4 + A*2 + B;
NS = TNxt(m+1, :);
Pb = TOut(m+1, :);
ParityBits(2*k+1) = Pb(1);
ParityBits(2*k+2) = Pb(2);
CS = NS;
FinState = NS;
function InterleavedBits = CTCInterleaver(InpBits, N, P)
%InterleavedBits = CTCInterleaver(InpBits, N, P)
%N - Length of input bit in pairs
%P - [p0 p1 p2 p3], interleaver parameters
InterleavedBits = zeros(2*N, 1);
xI = zeros(N, 2);
for k = 0:N-1
m = CTCGetInterleavedAddress(k, N, P);
A = InpBits(2*m+1);
B = InpBits(2*m+2);
if mod(k, 2) == 1
InterleavedBits(2*k+1) = A;
InterleavedBits(2*k+2) = B;
InterleavedBits(2*k+1) = B;
InterleavedBits(2*k+2) = A;
Useful Links to MATLAB codes
Refer following as well as links mentioned on left side panel for useful MATLAB codes.
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Time off estimation corr
Freq off estimation corr
channel estimation
11a WLAN channel
PN sequence generation
carrier aggregation
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IIR Filter
Low Pass FIR
Viterbi decoder
RF and Wireless tutorials
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