Eb/No and BER | Eb/No calculator | BER calculator

This page of converters and calculators section covers Eb/No calculator and BER basics. It mentions Eb/No calculator and BER(Bit Error Rate) calculator.

As we know that C/N stands for Carrier to Noise ration and Eb/No stands for bit energy to noise power density ratio. N here is equal to KTB, where K is boltzmann constant (1.38 x 10-23), T is the noise temperature and B is the bandwidth.

Eb/N0 in dB(input1) :

Bit rate in Mbps(input2) :

Bandwidth in MHz(input3) :

C/N ratio (Output):

INPUTS: Eb/No = 11.1 dB ; Bit rate = 0.256Mbps BW = 0.128Mbps (128 Kbps)
OUTPUT: C/N = 14.1 dB

C/N to Eb/No calculator

This Eb/No calculator takes C/N, Bit rate and Bandwidth and calculates Eb/No.

C/N in dB(input1) :

Bit rate in Mbps(input2) :

Bandwidth in MHz(input3) :

Eb/N0 ratio (Output):

Eb/No calculator example:
INPUTS: C/N = 14.1 dB ; Bit rate = 0.256Mbps BW = 0.128Mbps (128 Kbps)
OUTPUT: Eb/N0 = 11.1 dB

Eb/No calculator vs C/N ratio calculator

BER (Bit Error Rate) calculator

Number of bits received in error(input1) :

Total number of bits transmitted(input2) :

Bit Error Rate (Output):

INPUTS: Number of erroneous bits = 20; Total bits = 1e8
OUTPUT: BER = 2e-7

BER calculator

As explained above Eb/No, C/N and BER(Bit Error Rate) parameters are interchangebly used for measuring the performance of a wireless and wired system. Higher the Eb/No ratio and C/N ratio the good is the system performing under noisy atmosphere. BER stands for Bit Error Rate. It is the ratio of number of bits received in error to the total number of bits transmitted. Less is the BER , good is the system. Usually system designers and engineers use Eb/No vs BER curve to find the BER from the Eb/No value for different modulation coding schemes.

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Eb/No calculator related links

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