RF Phase Shifter: Selection Guide, Applications & Leading Manufacturers

Introduction: RF phase shifters control signal phase in communication systems, radar and beamforming applications. Key parameters include phase range, insertion loss and control method.

What is RF Phase Trimmer or Shifter:
The RF device used to shift the phase of the input signal is known as RF phase shifter or trimmer. Refer RF Phase trimmer types>> for more information.

RF phase shifter

Selection Parameters for RF Phase Shifter

• Phase Shift Range : Determines the amount of phase adjustment required (e.g. 0 to 360 degree or discrete steps like 90 degree, 180 degree).
• Frequency Range : Must support the desired operating frequency range.
• Insertion Loss : Should be minimal
• Phase Resolution : Higher resolution provides finer phase control, improving system performance in beamforming and signal processing applications.
• Control Type : Can be analog, digital, or voltage controlled depending on the required precision and integration needs.
• Other parameters : Power Handling Capability, Linearity and Noise Figure.

Applications of RF Phase Shifter

• Phased Array Antennas : Used in radar, 5G, and satellite communication for beamforming and directional signal control.
• Wireless Communication Systems : Employed in MIMO, beam steering, and adaptive antenna systems for efficient data transmission.
• Radar & Defense Electronics : Enhances target detection and tracking in military and automotive radar applications.
• Test & Measurement Equipment : Integrated into RF signal analyzers and vector network analyzers for precise phase control and calibration.
• Microwave and Millimeter Wave Systems : Utilized in high frequency applications such as 6G research, satellite links and microwave imaging.

Manufacturers of RF Phase Shifter

Following table lists popular manufacturers or vendors of RF Phase Trimmer or shifter.

RF Phase Trimmer Manufacturers Description
RLC Electronics The company manufactures and delivers RF phase trimmers from DC to 50GHz range. Nominal phase shift of about 1.2 degrees/ GHz / Turn can be achieved at 50 GHz frequency (with 7 turns).
E-mail : sales@rlcelectronics.com
Pasternack Enterprises Inc. The company manufactures adjustable phase trimmers which covers DC to 18 GHz frequency range. The product has capability to adjust about 10 degrees per GHz.
E-mail: sales@pasternack.com
L-3 Narda-ATM (Formerly known as Advanced Technical Materials Inc.) Fixed RF Phase shifters for various phase shifts e.g. 30 deg, 40 deg, 60 deg , 90 deg, 180 deg and 360 deg are available. Various models are available from DC to 40 GHz.
Website: www.atmmicrowave.com
Centric RF Models which support from 0 to 2.3 GHz and from 0 to 18.6 GHz frequency ranges with 60 degrees per GHz phase shift are available. SMA Coaxial type RF Phase Trimmer which supports 0 to 18 GHz frequency range and phase shifts upto 270 Degrees.
E-mail: sales@centricrf.com
Cobham (Now Aeroflex) Supports RF from 1GHz to 18 GHz. Phase of signal is varied by varying adjustable screw.
Fairview Microwave Adjustable RF phase trimmers with different adjustable phase angles such as 3.5 deg. per GHz, 10 deg. per GHz, 30 deg. per GHz are available. Supports RF frequencies from DC to 18 GHz and also upto 40 GHz.
Email: sales@fairviewmicrowave.com
Federal Custom Cable Phase Trimmer from DC To 18 GHz with SMA type connectors are available
API Technologies RF phase shifters from DC to 40 GHz are available.
JYEBAO Co., Ltd. Taiwan Various Phase adjustable phase trimmers are available (upto 350 MHz, 10 GHz, 12 GHz, 18 GHz)
dBD Communications Various phase trimmer types are available (18 GHz to 26 GHz, 18 GHz to 40 GHz etc.)
Radiall SMA type from 0 to 18 GHz range phase shifter


A well chosen RF phase shifter enhances signal processing capabilities. Select from leading manufacturers for reliable performance.


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