Voltage to frequency converter manufacturers or Vendors

This page covers Voltage to frequency converter manufacturers or vendors. The popular manufacturers of Voltage to frequency converter ICs include Analog Devices, National Semiconductor, Texas Instruments, Fairchild Semiconductor, Microchip, Nexperia, MaxLinear Inc. etc.

Introduction: The VFC is oscillator circuit in which output frequency is proportional to input voltage. It has wide applications which include automotive, instrumentation, test and measurement, industrial and automation, communication systems etc. In telecommunication systems, it is used in PLL (Phase Locked Loop), FM (Frequency Modulation) and Frequency Synthesizer. The most common ICs used for frequency to voltage converter are LM331 and NE555. It is also known as VCO (Voltage Controlled Oscillator).

Following are the typical specifications of Voltage to Frequency Converter (VFC).
 •Input type : single ended/Differential
 •Voltage input range
 •Output frequency range
 •Linearity (%Max.)
 •Supply current (Amp.)
 •Supply voltage range
 •Package type (DIP, SOIC)

Voltage to frequency converter vendors or manufacturers

Following table mentions vendors or manufacturers of Voltage to frequency converter ICs.

Manufacturers Part number with features
Analog Devices Synchronous VFCs part numbers : AD7740, AD7741, AD7742
Non-synchronous VFCs part numbers : ADVFC32, AD537, AD650, AD652, AD654
Features : Above VFCs support different output frequencies at different input voltages with different accuracies. Visit analog.com for information.
National Semiconductor (Acquired by Texas Instruments) Part numbers LM231/LM331 are voltage to frequency converters where as part number LM2917N8 is frequency to voltage converter. Visit ti.com for more information.
Texas Instruments Part numbers of voltage to frequency converter ICs are VFC32, VFC100, VFC110, VFC121, VFC320 etc.
Features of VFC32 : Output upto 500 KHz, Input Voltage (0V to - 10V) etc. Visit ti.com for more information.
Fairchild Semiconductor (Acquired by ON Semiconductor) Part number : KA331
Features : The part is obsolete now.
Visit onsemi.com for more information.
Microchip Technology Inc. Part numbers : TC9400, TC9401, TC9402
Features : DC to 100 KHz (F/V converter), 1 Hz to 100 KHz (V/F converter), Linearity (%) : 0.01 (in TC9401), 0.05 (in TC9400), 0.25 (in TC9402) , low power disssipation etc.
Visit microchip.com for more information.
Nexperia Part number : HEF4046B (PLL IC) with voltage range from 3 to 15 V, Max. frequency from 1.0 MHz to 2.7 MHz (Typically)
Refer nexperia.com for more information
MaxLinear Inc. Part number : XR4151CP functions as V2F and F2V, available in 8 pin PDIP package
Refer maxlinear.com for more information

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