waveguide frequency bands-R band,D band,W band,Y band etc

This page mentions table with various waveguide frequency bands. The table covers R band, D band, S band, E band, G band, F band, C band, H band, X band, X-Ku band, Ku band, K band, Ka band, Q band, U band, V band, W band, Y band etc. waveguide frequency bands.

waveguide frequency bands

The table mentions waveguide standard, frequency limits (GHz), inside dimensions in both inches and mm against different waveguide frequency bands.


RF Switch basics and applications along with manufacturers of RF switch refer following link:
RF Switch

For types of waveguide viz. rectangular & circular, waveguide propagation modes, impedance matching of waveguide read following waveguide tutorial.
waveguide basics tutorial

Manufacturers of waveguide components such as waveguide to coaxial adapter, coupler, flanges, gasket, tees, termination, shorts, isolator, circulator, horn antenna, attenuator, feed-thrus, bends, loads, twists, straights, pressure windows, transformers, sliding short circuits, fixed short circuits, sliding mismatches etc. visit following link.
Waveguide components manufacturer

Rectangular waveguide dimensions as per USA standard including frequency, broad dimension and narrow dimensions, visit following link.
Waveguide dimensions table

This article describes microstrip line basics and mention types of microstrip lines and their advantages. READ MORE.

RF and Wireless Terminologies