Waveguide bends | waveguide twists | waveguide flanges
This page mentions basics of Waveguide bends, waveguide twists and waveguide flanges. It also mentions manufacturers of Waveguide bends, waveguide twists and waveguide flanges.
Waveguide bends
The figure-1 depicts 45 degree waveguide bend. As the bands are separated by λ/4 the reflections are canceled by each other. This will create waveguide band without any reflections.
The two types of waveguide bends viz. E bend and H bend are shown in the figure-2. As shown, the radius is greater than 2*λg. This will prevent reflections within the bend length.
waveguide twists | waveguide flanges
The figure-3 depicts waveguide twist or flange. Following are the typical specifications of the waveguide twists or flanges to be considered while selecting one for the need.
• Flange type: C-Cover/ G-Groove, CHOKE, CMR, CPR (F, G)
• Twist angle: 90 degree, 45 degree
• Frequency of operation or waveguide size
• Twist Plane: Left-hand, Right-hand
• Insertion Loss: As low as possible (about 0.2 dB)
• VSWR: As low as possible
Waveguide Component Manufacturers
General Atomics, www.ga.com