Soft Tube Modulator vs Hard Tube Modulator | Difference between Soft Tube Modulator and Hard Tube Modulator

This page compares Soft Tube Modulator vs Hard Tube Modulator and mentions difference between Soft Tube Modulator and Hard Tube Modulator.

Soft Tube Modulator

Soft Tube Modulator

The figure-1 depicts Soft Tube Modulator. As shown power supply generates high voltage. This charges PFN network through charging circuit. The switch in short circuit condition starts the pulse and if it is terminated then PFN is discharged. The PFN stores the energy and transmits it to the transmitter. The period of transfer is controlled by PFN circuit.

The starting of next pulse and its termination takes place later during the next charging and discharging of PFN circuit.

Following are the features of soft tube modulator.
• It consists of PFN, switch pulse, transformer and transmitter tube.
• It is also known as line modulator.
• PFN is stimulated by transmission line.
• It uses SCR for switching purpose.
• Its pulse width is controlled by PFN.

Hard Tube Modulator

Hard Tube Modulator

The figure-2 depicts Hard Tube Modulator.

Following are the features of hard tube modulator.
• It consists of pulse generator, pulse amplifier, high output pulse amplifier, pulse transformer, power supply, transit trigger circuit etc.
• It is low level modulator with additional amplification.
• The required pulse width is easily obtained.
• In case of detection of arcs, the transmitter pulse is instantly shuts off and hence transmitter is protected.
• When the arcs are extinguished, the modulator starts normal functioning.
• Example of hard tube modulator is floating deck.


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