Filter Shape Factor and Bandwidth Formula Explained

The filter shape factor and bandwidth are fundamental metrics in signal filtering. This guide explains their mathematical formulas, derivations, and practical examples, providing a comprehensive understanding of their applications in designing filters.

RF filter shape factor and bandwidth

Shape Factor

• It indicates selectivity of the filter.
• It is the ratio of filter's response at 60 dB to response at 6 dB attenuation as shown in the figure.
• RF Filter shape factor can be expressed by following equation.
• RF Filter Shape Factor = (F4-F1)/(F3-F2)
• Lower the value of shape factor steeper the response of the rf filter.


• Frequency range around center frequency over which filter can be used efficiently and effectively is known as bandwidth.
• Frequencies above and below the center frequency at which response fall down by 3 dB with reference to center frequency indicates upper and lower limits of filter bandwidth. • RF Filter Bandwidth can be expressed by following equation.
• Bandwidth = F2-F1, Here Fc is center frequency.


Understanding the filter shape factor and bandwidth formula empowers engineers to design filters that meet specific performance criteria, enhancing overall system efficiency.

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