Monopulse Radar vs Conical Scan Radar-Difference between Monopulse Radar and Conical Scan Radar

This page compares Monopulse Radar vs Conical Scan Radar and mentions similarities and difference between Monopulse Radar and Conical Scan Radar. Both are types of tracking radar.

Monopulse Radar Conical Scan Radar
Simultaneous scanning system Sequential scanning system
SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) is large SNR is small
Angle accuracy is better. Angle accuracy is inferior compare to monopulse radar.
Angle accuracy is not affected by fluctuation in the echo amplitude. Angle accuracy is not affected by fluctuation in the echo amplitude.
System performance is degraded by glint. System performance is degraded by glint.
It is more complex. It is not complex.
It has 2 receiving channels. It has only 1 receiving channel.
It has two feeds. It has single feed.
Rotation of antenna beam is done at relatively low speed. Rotation of antenna beam is done at relatively high speed.
It requires single pulse. It requires minimum 4 pulses.
Angle measurement is carried out in two coordinates. Here, angle measurement is done first and then are integrated. Angle measurement is carried out in two coordinates. Here, number of pulses are integrated first and then angle measurement is performed.
It is less susceptible to counter measures. It is more susceptible to electronic counter measures.
The cost is relatively high. The cost is relatively low.
It is used when good angle accuracy is needed. It is used when high angle accuracy is not needed.


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