LED vs LCD-Difference between LED and LCD

This page on LED vs LCD describes difference between LED and LCD. The other useful links to difference between various terms are provided here.

LED-Light Emitting Diode

• It works on principle of electro-luminescence.
• Used in remote control,display device and in opto-coupler.
• It is fabricated using direct band gap material.
• It will emit light when excited properly. It does this due to large number of recombinations at the junction.
• colour of light depends on concentration of dopent.
• It should be operated under forward biased condition.
• With forward current of 20mA, LED gives max. intensity of light.
• In reverse biased condition, it works as normal diode.
• Power dissipation is measured in mW and response time in µsec.
• Cut-in voltage is about 1.3V.
• Typically LED will have operating life of 100,000+ Hrs.

LCD-Liquid Crystal Display

• It operates on principle of dynamic scattering of light.
• Power dissipation is on the order of µW
• Response time is in msec.
• Typically LCD will have operating life of 50,000 + Hrs.
• It is used as display device to display characters.
• It uses liquid crystal material for manufacturing.

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