UWB vs Wavenis | Difference between UWB and Wavenis
This page compares UWB vs Wavenis and mentions difference between UWB and Wavenis with respect to various comparison parameters.
What is UWB ?
UWB (Ultra Wide Band) technology uses spectrum larger than 500 MHz. In the year 2002, FCC has approved use of unlicensed spectrum within 3.1 to 10.6 GHz for UWB applications. It uses short duration EM (Electro-Magnetic) pulses for high speed data transfer over wide bandwidth (BW). UWB follows IEEE standard 802.15.4a/z. Due to its wide bandwidth it can be used for high data rate (~27 Mbps) communication. It is also popular due to its lower latency, low power consumption and high immunity to various interferences.
The figure depicts UWB network consisting of UWB anchors installed at various places. These anchors communicate with UWB tags and UWB smartphones, UWB lights and WiFi AP. The WiFi AP or router is interfaced with cloud via gateway. UWB technology is used for target sensor data collection from motion sensor, temperature sensor, light sensor etc. It can be used for precise location and tracking applications.
What is Wavenis ?
Wavenis technology was developed by Coronis. It has been promoted by Wavenis Open Standard Alliance. It uses ISM bands (433/868/915 MHz) for its operation. It has numeous applications based on which its architecture varies. It supports various network topologies viz. tree, star, and mesh as shown in the figure. It is used as light control system, auto remote monitoring, utility water meters, telemetry etc.
Image Courtesy : Coronis Systems
It has been developed to address requirements of low power and low range WSNs (Wireless Sensor Networks). Wavenis products are compliant to EN300-220, FCC15-249 and FCC15-247.
Following are the features of Wavenis technology.
• Long battery life • Long range (200m to 1Km) • 2 way smart links
• Reliable transmission (using FHSS, FEC, data interleaving)
• Connectivity to WANs (Bluetooth extension capability)
• Network capabilities (p2p, star, tree, mesh, repeater)
• Lower unit cost
Difference between UWB and Wavenis
Following table mentions difference between UWB and Wavenis with respect to various parameters.
Features | UWB | Wavenis |
Operating Frequency band | 3.1 to 10.6 GHz | 433 MHz, 868 MHz, 915 MHz, 2.4 GHz |
Data Rate | 110 Mbps | 4.8 Kbps, 19.2 Kbps, 100 Kbps (Programmable) |
Bandwidth | 500 MHz | 50 KHz |
Modulation type | BPSK, BPM used in HRP PHY mode | GFSK |
Spread spectrum | DS-UWB, MB-OFDM | FHSS |
Range (Indoor) | 300 meters | 1000 meters (1 Km) |
Physical layer |
SECDED Convolutional (K=3) & Reed solomon used in IEEE 802.15.4 Covolutional (K=7) used in IEEE 802.15.4z. |
Data interleaving, Forward error Correction BCH(31,21) |
Security | Very secure (Distance Time Bounded Protocol) | 128 bit AES |
Network Topology | Peer to peer, Star, Multi-hop | Tree, Star, mesh |
Energy consumption | High | Medium |
Summary: UWB is used for accurate position tracking, low latency multimedia and high data rate applications. Wavenis is used for monitoring and control applications such as remote water meter monitoring, electricity meter reading and controlling, automatic light control system, sensor and control market etc.