Advantages of Silicon Carbide (SiC) | disadvantages of Silicon Carbide (SiC)
This page covers advantages and disadvantages of Silicon Carbide(SiC). It mentions Silicon Carbide (SiC) advantages or benefits and Silicon Carbide (SiC) disadvantages or drawbacks.
What is Silicon Carbide?
It is semiconductor consists of both Silicon and Carbon with SiC as chemical formula
with structure as shown in the figure-1. It has following characteristics.
• Density: 3.1 g/cm3
• Linear expansion coefficient: 3.9 x 10-6 /oC
• Hardness : 2200 Kg/mm2
• Elastic Modulus: 380 GPa
• Poisson's Ratio: 0.16
• Electrical Resistance: 108 Ohm-Cm
• It can be used at high temperature/voltage.

Benefits or advantages of Silicon Carbide (SiC)
Following are the benefits or advantages of Silicon Carbide (SiC):
➨High hardness
➨Low thermal expansion
➨High thermal consistency
➨Good resistance at high temperatures
➨Electrical conductivity
➨Non linear electrical resistance
SiC has many attractive benefits and used for higher voltage, higher power and high temperature applications. Following section highlights some of the challenges of these in manufacturing of SiC devices.
Drawbacks or disadvantages of Silicon Carbide (SiC)
Following are the disadvantages of Silicon Carbide (SiC):
➨Silicon carbide is not available as natural
mineral. Hence excessive furnace techniques are needed to
produce the compound from Si.
➨There is difficulty in doping in SiC fabrication due to
its chemical inertness, physical strength and low diffusion
coefficient of other impurities.
➨Different types of material defects are produced
in SiC substrates with the present manufacturing processes.
➨High manufacturing and processing costs due to
difficulty in manufacturing large wafers of SiC with less
defects and lack of suitable processes.
➨Contacts, Interconnects and passive components (e.g. inductors) should
handle extreme conditions with reliability and durability in order to
keep SiC functionally active in such conditions.
Also refer advantages and disadvantages of Silicon (Si) >>.
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