Advantages of Serial Interface | disadvantages of Serial Interface

This page covers advantages and disadvantages of Serial Interface. It mentions Serial Interface advantages or benefits and Serial Interface disadvantages or drawbacks.

What is Serial Interface?

In serial communication data bits are transmitted one after the other in sequential manner using single communication channel. Example of serial interface is RS-232 which is point to point and asynchronous interface. It is used between devices (i.e. DTE and DCE).

Protocol uses start bit and stop bit for data communication. Serial interfaces may have multiple lines but only one line is used for data communication.

Serial Interface

There are two methods in serial communication viz. synchronous and asychronous. In synchronous communication, block of data (or characters) are transferred at a time. In asynchronous communication, single byte (or bit) is transferred at a time. There are special ICs used for this communication such as UART and USART. The microcontroller IC such as 8051 consists of in-built UART chip. PISO and SIPO shift registers are used to convert serial data into parallel data and vice versa.

Benefits or advantages of Serial Interface

Following are the benefits or advantages of Serial Interface:
➨It uses less number of conducting wires, hence reduces cost of the interface.
➨It supports long distance data communication.
➨It uses less number of wires often only one, this leads to simple interface between transmitting and receiving devices or ICs. It is easy to implement.

Drawbacks or disadvantages of Serial Interface

Following are the disadvantages of Serial Interface:
➨It uses less number of lines for transmission between devices. Hence it supports slower speed of transmission.
➨It occupies overhead of about 20% other than useful information. This leads to wastage of bandwidth meant for data trasmission for useless stuff.

Also refer advantages and disadvantages of RS232 serial interface >> type.

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