Nuclear Sensor basics | Nuclear Sensor types
This article covers Nuclear Sensor basics and Nuclear Sensor types. In addition to Nuclear sensors, links to basics and types of other sensors are also mentioned.
What are Nuclear sensors?
As we know alpha, beta, gamma, neutrons are most common ionising radiations.
High level exposure of such radiations to human beings can cause various diseases including cancers.
The sensors used to monitor and measure nuclear radiation levels are known as
nuclear sensors.
Workers in the nuclear power plants are exposed to radiation of different types. These radiations are regularly recorded and monitored in order to keep the radiations within limits.

The figure-1 depicts Penetration Power of Nuclear Radiations such as alpha, beta, gamma, X-ray, neutrons etc. through human hand, aluminium, thin and thicker leads, concrete etc.
Nuclear sensors ensure safety of nuclear power plant workers as well as people living in the neighbourhood.
Nuclear Sensor Types

The figure-2 depicts Gamma sensor from First Sensor Inc. Nuclear sensors are categorized into nuclear particle sensors and solidstate sensors. Solidstate radiation detectors are divided into two types viz. scintillator based and direct absorption based detector.
• Nuclear particle sensors use tubes and chambers for nuclear particle detection.
• Solidstate sensors directly convert incident radiation into electric current using various
materials such as germanium, silicon, cadmium zinc telluride etc.
These sensors gave high energy resolutions which makes them popular for detection of exact amount of
radiation energy.
Silicon PIN photodiodes are also used for detecting alpha, beta, gamma and X-ray radiations.
Basics and Types of Sensors and Transducers
basics and types of heat detectors
basics and types of Smoke detectors
basics and types of Biosensors
Proximity Sensor
Occupancy Sensor vs Motion Sensor
LVDT and RVDT sensor
Position, displacement and level sensor
force sensor and strain sensor
temperature sensor
pressure sensor
Humidity sensor
MEMS sensor
Touch sensor
Haptic sensor
Wireless sensor
Advantages and Disadvantages of Sensor Types
RF and Wireless Terminologies
What is Difference between
difference between FDM and OFDM
Difference between SC-FDMA and OFDM
Difference between SISO and MIMO
Difference between TDD and FDD