Scrambler and Descrambler VHDL source code
This page of VHDL source code covers Scrambler and descrambler vhdl code. The scrambler implemention is as per MATLAB scrambler source code mentioned in MATLAB source code section.
-- Library Declaration
library IEEE;
-- Entity Declaration
entity Scrambler is
port(clk : in std_logic; -- Processing Clock
reset : in std_logic; -- Asynchronous reset signal
load : in std_logic; -- Load signal to load the seed value into register
seed_in : in std_logic_vector(14 downto 0); -- Seed value to load into register
data_in : in std_logic; -- Input data to transmit
valid_in : in std_logic; -- Input data valid signal
data_out : out std_logic; -- Output data from the scrambler
valid_out : out std_logic -- Output valid signal
end Scrambler;
architecture behaviour of Scrambler is
Signal shift_reg_s : std_logic_vector(14 downto 0);
signal valid_in1 : std_logic;
signal data_in1 : std_logic;
Process( clk,reset)
if reset = '1' then
shift_reg_s <= (others => '0');
valid_in1 <= '0';
data_in1 <= '0';
valid_out <= '0';
data_out <= '0';
elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then
valid_in1 <= valid_in;
data_in1 <= data_in;
if load='1' then
Shift_reg_s(0) <= seed_in(14);
Shift_reg_s(1) <= seed_in(13);
Shift_reg_s(2) <= seed_in(12);
Shift_reg_s(3) <= seed_in(11);
Shift_reg_s(4) <= seed_in(10); --it loads initiation value into 15-bit register.
Shift_reg_s(5) <= seed_in(9);
Shift_reg_s(6) <= seed_in(8);
Shift_reg_s(7) <= seed_in(7);
Shift_reg_s(8) <= seed_in(6);
Shift_reg_s(9) <= seed_in(5);
Shift_reg_s(10) <= seed_in(4);
Shift_reg_s(11) <= seed_in(3);
Shift_reg_s(12) <= seed_in(2);
Shift_reg_s(13) <= seed_in(1);
Shift_reg_s(14) <= seed_in(0);
elsif valid_in = '1' then
Shift_reg_s(14) <= Shift_reg_s(13);
Shift_reg_s(13) <= Shift_reg_s(12); -- If valid input signal is high the register
Shift_reg_s(12) <= Shift_reg_s(11); -- contents are shifted by one bit and msb bit
Shift_reg_s(11) <= Shift_reg_s(10); -- is EX-OR with 14th bit and load it into 1st bit
Shift_reg_s(10) <= Shift_reg_s(9); -- position
Shift_reg_s(9) <= Shift_reg_s(8);
Shift_reg_s(8) <= Shift_reg_s(7);
Shift_reg_s(7) <= Shift_reg_s(6);
Shift_reg_s(6) <= Shift_reg_s(5);
Shift_reg_s(5) <= Shift_reg_s(4);
Shift_reg_s(4) <= Shift_reg_s(3);
Shift_reg_s(3) <= Shift_reg_s(2);
Shift_reg_s(2) <= Shift_reg_s(1);
Shift_reg_s(1) <= Shift_reg_s(0);
Shift_reg_s(0) <= Shift_reg_s(13) xor Shift_reg_s(14);
end if;
if valid_in1 = '1' then
data_out <= shift_reg_s(0) xor data_in1;
valid_out <= '1'; -- output port.
data_out <= '0';
valid_out <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
end behaviour;
library IEEE;
-- Entity Declaration
entity Scrambler is
port(clk : in std_logic; -- Processing Clock
reset : in std_logic; -- Asynchronous reset signal
load : in std_logic; -- Load signal to load the seed value into register
seed_in : in std_logic_vector(14 downto 0); -- Seed value to load into register
data_in : in std_logic; -- Input data to transmit
valid_in : in std_logic; -- Input data valid signal
data_out : out std_logic; -- Output data from the scrambler
valid_out : out std_logic -- Output valid signal
end Scrambler;
architecture behaviour of Scrambler is
Signal shift_reg_s : std_logic_vector(14 downto 0);
signal valid_in1 : std_logic;
signal data_in1 : std_logic;
Process( clk,reset)
if reset = '1' then
shift_reg_s <= (others => '0');
valid_in1 <= '0';
data_in1 <= '0';
valid_out <= '0';
data_out <= '0';
elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then
valid_in1 <= valid_in;
data_in1 <= data_in;
if load='1' then
Shift_reg_s(0) <= seed_in(14);
Shift_reg_s(1) <= seed_in(13);
Shift_reg_s(2) <= seed_in(12);
Shift_reg_s(3) <= seed_in(11);
Shift_reg_s(4) <= seed_in(10); --it loads initiation value into 15-bit register.
Shift_reg_s(5) <= seed_in(9);
Shift_reg_s(6) <= seed_in(8);
Shift_reg_s(7) <= seed_in(7);
Shift_reg_s(8) <= seed_in(6);
Shift_reg_s(9) <= seed_in(5);
Shift_reg_s(10) <= seed_in(4);
Shift_reg_s(11) <= seed_in(3);
Shift_reg_s(12) <= seed_in(2);
Shift_reg_s(13) <= seed_in(1);
Shift_reg_s(14) <= seed_in(0);
elsif valid_in = '1' then
Shift_reg_s(14) <= Shift_reg_s(13);
Shift_reg_s(13) <= Shift_reg_s(12); -- If valid input signal is high the register
Shift_reg_s(12) <= Shift_reg_s(11); -- contents are shifted by one bit and msb bit
Shift_reg_s(11) <= Shift_reg_s(10); -- is EX-OR with 14th bit and load it into 1st bit
Shift_reg_s(10) <= Shift_reg_s(9); -- position
Shift_reg_s(9) <= Shift_reg_s(8);
Shift_reg_s(8) <= Shift_reg_s(7);
Shift_reg_s(7) <= Shift_reg_s(6);
Shift_reg_s(6) <= Shift_reg_s(5);
Shift_reg_s(5) <= Shift_reg_s(4);
Shift_reg_s(4) <= Shift_reg_s(3);
Shift_reg_s(3) <= Shift_reg_s(2);
Shift_reg_s(2) <= Shift_reg_s(1);
Shift_reg_s(1) <= Shift_reg_s(0);
Shift_reg_s(0) <= Shift_reg_s(13) xor Shift_reg_s(14);
end if;
if valid_in1 = '1' then
data_out <= shift_reg_s(0) xor data_in1;
valid_out <= '1'; -- output port.
data_out <= '0';
valid_out <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
end behaviour;
Refer following as well as links mentioned on left side panel for useful VHDL codes.
D Flipflop
T Flipflop
Read Write RAM
4 bit binary counter
Radix4 Butterfly
16QAM Modulation
2bit Parallel to serial
RF and Wireless tutorials
WLAN 802.11ac 802.11ad wimax Zigbee z-wave GSM LTE UMTS Bluetooth UWB IoT satellite Antenna RADAR