Inductive reactance calculator

This page covers Inductive reactance calculator and capacitive reactance calculator. Inductive reactance calculator calculates XL(inductive reactance) and BL(inductive admittance) based on frequency and inductance.

Frequency in GHz(input1) :

Inductance in nHenry (input2) :

Inductive reactance (XL) in Ohm (output1) :

Inductive admittance (BL) in milli-mho (output2) :

EXAMPLE#1 Inductive reactance calculator:
INPUTS: Frequency=2GHz, Inductance=20 nH
OUTPUTS: XL = 251.33 Ohm, BL =3.98 milli-mho

Formula/equation for inductive reactance calculator

Following equation or formula is used for inductive reactance calculator.

inductive reactance calculator formula

capacitive reactance calculator

Capacitive reactance calculator calculates XC(capacitive reactance) and BC(capacitive admittance) based on frequency and capacitance.

Frequency in GHz(input1) :

capacitance in Pico-Farads (input2) :

Capacitive reactance (Xc) in Ohm (output1) :

Capacitive admittance (Bc) in milli-mho (output2) :

EXAMPLE#1 Capacitive reactance calculator:
INPUTS: Frequency =3 GHz, C = 100 pF
OUTPUTS: Xc =0.53 Ohm, Bc =1884.95

Formula/equation for capacitive reactance calculator

Following equation or formula is used for capacitive reactance calculator.

capacitive reactance calculator formula

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