Terahertz Antenna manufacturers | THz Antenna Vendors

This page mentions Terahertz Antenna manufacturers or THz Antenna vendors. The popular manufacturers of Terahertz Antennas are Menlo systems, TeraVil Ltd, Virginia Diodes, Thorlabs, Tx Instruments etc.

THz (Terahertz) transceivers use low power for transmission. Hence they require directional antennas for communication between transmitting end and receiving end. Various types of antennas are developed for commercial applications below 1 Terahertz (THz). The common among these include lens antennas, cassegrain reflector antennas and diagonal horn antennas. Terahertz frequency waves have very small wavelength (i.e. 30 µm at 10 THz) which leads to smaller size.

Terahertz wireless system

The figure depicts THz wireless communication system. As shown wireless signals are received by terahertz antenna and converted into optical domain. This converted optical signal is transported over RoF (Radio Over Fiber) link. Electro-optic intensity modulator is used for electrical signal to optical signal conversion.

The antennas are used for various applications viz. THz signal generation and detection, THz spectroscopy, THz imaging and THz physics.

Following are the typical specifications to be considered for terahertz antenna selection.
• Photoconductive material type
• Bandwidth
• Photosensitivity
• Average optical power
• Pulse duration
• Repetition rate
• Bias voltage

Terahertz Antenna Manufacturers

Following table mentions Terahertz Antenna manufacturers with their respective THz antenna products.

Terahertz Antenna Manufacturers Description
• Menlo Systems Inc. •  Fiber coupled photoconductive antenna for emitter and receiver modules
• Laser Wavelength : 1560 nm
• Website : menlosystems.com
• Email : sales@menlosystems.com
• TeraVil Ltd • Photoconductive emitter / detector antenna (Microstrip)
• Operating laser wavelength : 800 nm
• Website : TERAVIL
• Contact Email id : info@teravil.lt
• Virginia Diodes Inc. • Horn Antennas for THz range including straight waveguides and tapers
• Website : Vadiodes.com
• THORLABS, New Jersey, USA • THz antennas for different wavelengths 800 nm, 1030 nm and 1550 nm
• Website : Vadiodes.com
• TK Instruments •  Corrugated horn antennas for microwave and terahertz frequencies from 2 to 1000 GHz
• Website : http://www.terahertz.co.uk/tk-instruments/products/corrugatedhorns
• TOPTICA Photonics AG • Photoconductive antennas
• Website : www.toptica.com
• Email : info@toptica.com

Terahertz (THz) Related links

Following references will help reader in understanding Terahertz technology.
Terahertz radiation sources and devices
Advantages and disadvantages of Terahertz (THz) waves
Terahertz to Hertz converter
manufacturers of Terahertz components

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