IoT security assessment software tool providers or Vendors

This page mentions list of IoT security assessment software providers or Vendors. These solutions and tools in the form of hardware and software are useful for IoT security assessments.

Introduction: Organizations working in IoT domain face IoT security challenges due to lack of encryptions, insufficient IoT device updates, lack of physical restrictions, lack of privacy and data security, malware attacks etc.

IoT security software solutions help IoT device manufacturers and IoT companies to perform cyber security assessments. Software provides comprehensive and automated testing in order to cover both known and unknown vulnerabilities.

The tools and techniques used in such assessment software supports wired and wireless networks such as Ethernet based LAN, CAN, WiFi, Bluetooth, BLE, Cellular etc. It helps to test these networks and determine known vulnerabilities. The solutions are available in API forms which can easily be integrated into IoT devices and IoT software solutions.

IoT security assessment software developers

Following table mentions IoT security assessment software Vendors or developers.

Company Description
Keysight Technologies IoT security solutions are offered in different packages as per technology features. It include base controller, WLAN attack module, bluetooth attack module, CAN bus security test bundle etc.
• Visit Website : for more information
SmartBear Software • ReadyAPI tool, Visit
Amazon Web Services, Inc. AWS IoT device defender, it audits configurations of IoT network to check for any security breaches.
• Visit website for more information.
Verimatrix The company offers IoT security solutions. The suite includes code shield, app shield and key shield tools. The solutions can easily be integrated with software development framework.
• Visit website
Appknox, Xysec Labs Company offers Mobile Application Security solution called "Appknox". It uses automated security testing suite which is designed and developed to detect and to solve security breaches for enterprises.
Visit website for more information.
Palo Alto Networks The company offers solutions which helps to secure all IoT assets. It keeps devices safe from threats in IoT (Internet of Things) and IoMT (Internet of Medical Things) networks.
• visit for more information.
Entrust Corporation The company offers IoT security solutions using advanced SSL technologies for high assurance IoT security.
• Visit for more information.
Wireshark team Wireshark tool is a free network protocol analyzer. It helps to analyze traffic in order to identify vulnerabilities.
• Visit for more information.
Aujas Cybersecurity IoT Security Assessment solutions
• Visit for more information.
Pivot Point Security • Visit for more.

IoT Wireless Technologies

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IoT Architecture Protocols and Wireless Technologies

MQTT vs REST    BACnet protocol    Lonworks protocol    KNX protocol    What is Modbus    M-Bus vs Wireless M-Bus    WLAN    WLAN    THREAD    EnOcean    LoRa    SIGFOX    WHDI    Zigbee   6LoWPAN   Zigbee RF4CE   Z-Wave   NFC   RFID   Lonworks   CEBus   UPB  

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