z-wave security | basics of z-wave security in zwave networks

This page on z-wave security covers basics of z-wave security used in zwave networks.

Following are features used in z-wave security:
• Message Freshness: 64 bit Nonce
• 128 bit random network key:Kn
• Encryption: AES-OFB
• Data Authentication: AES-CBCMAC
• 128 bit Cipher and MAC Keys: Derived from Kn
•  Custome Jey Establishment Protocol, as explained below.

z-wave security

Z-Wave data origin authentication is based on the cipher block chaining message authentication code i.e. CBC-MAC technique. This technique calculates a message authentication code i.e. MAC from a block cipher algorithm such as AES. Figure describes K-exchange protocol used in z-wave security.

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