What Is the Dominant Mode in Waveguides? Rectangular & Circular

Introduction: Waveguides are structures that guide electromagnetic waves efficiently from one point to another, often used in communication and radar systems. The dominant mode is the mode of wave propagation that has the lowest cutoff frequency in a waveguide and is the most efficiently transmitted. In rectangular and circular waveguides, the dominant modes differ due to their distinct geometries. This article explains the concept of the dominant mode, its significance in waveguide design, and the specific modes for rectangular and circular waveguides.

Dominant mode in Rectangular waveguide

The generic cutoff wavelength equation for rectangular waveguide is defined as follows.
In the equation,
m= number of half-wave along broad side dimension,
N= number of half-wave along the shorter side.

waveguide cutoff wavelength equation

➨For dominant mode TE10, m=1, n=0 and hence, λc= 2(broad dimension) =2a .
Mode Designation : TE10(Transverse Electric mode) In the TE10 mode, the electric field is transverse to the direction of wave propagation, with no electric field component along the waveguide's length.

Characteristics of TE10 Mode

1. Cutoff Frequency : It has the lowest cutoff frequency in rectangular waveguides, determined by the following formula.
➨fc = c/2*a
Where, c : Speed of light, a : Wider dimension of the waveguide.
2. Field distribution : The electric field has a single half wavelength variation across the wide dimension ('a') and is uniform along the narrow dimension('b').
3. Applications : TE10 is widely used in microwave and radar due to its simplicity and efficiency.

Dominant mode in Circular waveguide

Mode Designation: TE11 (Transverse Electric mode) :
• In the TE11 mode, both electric and magnetic fields have complex patterns due to the circular geometry, but no longitudinal electric field component exists.

Characteristics of TE11 Mode

1. It has the lowest cutoff frequency in circular waveguides, determined by following equation.
Cutoff Frequency equation for circular waveguide fc is defined below ,
➨fc= (1.8412 * c /2*pi*a)
Where, c is the speed of light within waveguide and a is the radius of the circular cross section.
➨Fc= For dominant mode TE11, λc= 1.71(diameter)=1.71d

2. Field Distribution : The electric field exhibits circular symmetry with azimuthal variations and no longitudinal component.
3. Applications : TE11 is common in satellite communication and high-power microwave systems.


The dominant mode in waveguides is critical for ensuring efficient and reliable electromagnetic wave propagation. In rectangular waveguides, the TE10 mode is dominant, while in circular waveguides, the TE11 mode often plays this role. Understanding these modes and their characteristics helps optimize waveguide performance across various applications, from telecommunications to industrial systems. By leveraging the properties of the dominant mode, engineers can achieve minimal signal loss and high transmission efficiency.

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