Op-amp integrator vs Differentiator | difference between integrator and differentiator op-amp
This page compares integrator Op-amp vs differentiator op-amp and mentions difference between integrator and differentiator operational amplifier circuits.
integrator Op-amp circuit

The figure-1 depicts inverting Op-Amp integrator circuit. Operational Amplifier functions as integrator when feedback resistor is replaced with Capacitor (C) and input resistor is not changed. The equation for the integrator op-amp is mentioned. Here Vin is the input voltage to the Op-amp and Vout is the output voltage from the Op-amp.
differentiator Op-amp circuit

The figure-2 depicts inverting Op-Amp differentiator circuit. Operational Amplifier functions as differentiator when input resistor is replaced with Capacitor (C) and feedback resistor is not changed. The equation for the differentiator op-amp is mentioned. Here Vin is the input voltage to the Op-amp and Vout is the output voltage from the Op-amp.
Link to Op-Amp and other electronic components
741 Op-Amp Applications
Op-Amp basics
Op-Amp Equations
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