What is SIW | What is Substrate Integrated Waveguide,benefits

This page describes basics of SIW i.e. Substrate Integrated Waveguide. SIW is modification of dielectric filled waveguide. Substrate Integrated Waveguide is used in RF domain due to many of its benefits.

As shown in the figure-1 below, SIW consists of two metal ground planes on top and bottom of the structure with dielectric substrate in between the planes. Metallic via array is placed between these two planes.

SIW-Substrate Integrated Waveguide

Due to its several benefits as outlined below, it is widely used in 5G technology related devices.

Dominant mode:
Due to via holes at sidewalls, TM mode does not exist. Hence TE10 mode is used in SIW (Substrate Integrated Waveguide) as dominant mode.

The SIW is derived from dielectric filled waveguide (DFW), where in via holes do not exist.

Benefits of SIW

Following are the benefits of SIW (Substrate Integrated Waveguide).
• high power capability
• low radiation losses
• high-density integration
• low cost of fabrication

SIW | Substrate Integrated Waveguide Related

Difference between DFW and SIW
SIW operating mode
Microstrip to SIW transition
Advantages and Disadvantages of SIW

Types of Transmission Lines

stripline basics and types
Microstrip line variants
Slotline basics and types
Finline basics
CPW(Coplanar Waveguide) basics

Transmission Line Transitions

Coaxial to microstrip transition
Coaxial to waveguide transition
Waveguide to microstrip transition
Microstrip to slotline transition

What is Difference between

difference between FDM and OFDM
Difference between SC-FDMA and OFDM
Difference between SISO and MIMO
difference between TE11 and TM11 mode
difference between TEM and Quasi TEM wave
difference between TE and TM wave
Rectangular vs circular waveguide
difference between 4 port and 3 port circulator
waveguide isolator vs microstrip isolator

RF and Wireless Terminologies