What is Geofencing | How Geofencing works
This page on Geofencing basics describes topics such as What is Geofencing and How Geofencing works. This guide on Geofencing working helps in implementing it in many IoT security applications.
What is Geofencing ?
Geofence is the virtual perimeter surrounding the physical location configured using google map. The region for geofence is marked for the purpose of monitoring entry or exit of a person or child or asset. Geofense region is usually circular in shape but other polygon shape can also be marked and used. Based on the entry/exit criteria, action or notification in the form of sms or in other form is generated and sent to registered mobile numbers. This process is known as Geofencing.
Geofence can be predefined set of boundaries in the school zones, neighbourhood boundaries etc. There are two types of Geofencing viz. active and passive. geofencing uses GPS, cellular technologies or WiFi in order to track the devices requiring to be monitored against defined geofences.

There are two main types of geofencing i.e. active geofencing and passive geofencing. In active geofencing type, user's application is open on the mobile device of the shopper. This application uses GPS service always and hence drains battery much faster. Passive geofencing type does not require application to be ON always and it runs in the background. Moreover passive geofencing does not use GPS. Both have their dedicated applications i.e. passive geofencing is mainly used to collect customer data and can not be used to push ads to mobile device of the user.
Following are the applications of Geofencing.
• Event Management
• Logistics management
• Tracking competitors
• Store Automation
• Asset Management
• Human or kids tracking
Refer Geofencing applications >> for more detail description on
use cases of Geofencing.
How Geofencing works | Geofencing working
Let us understand how Geofencing works.
➨At the start, geofences are marked as per google map.
➨Initial position of the user with mobile phone or any other tracking device is marked as reference position.
➨When the device moves its new position is calculated based on cellular data, wifi, GPS and bluetooth beacons.
➨The software in the phone uses updated new position and compares the same with geofence parameters to
determine whether user has entered or left the geofence region.
➨Above entry/exit criteria triggers the corresponding action or notification as per
design of the system. Some use cases of geofence does not use action/notification and it works
in the background and collects the data from the shopper's mobile device such as how many times shopper has visited and
in which area or part of the mall he/she has spent more time. This information is very useful for marketing purpose.
➨There are number of use cases or applications of geofencing, each of them slightly differ in their working but
overall principle remain the same.
Conclusion: This guide on Geofencing working operation helps in implementation of geofencing in IoT security applications. Also refer Geofencing advantages and disadvantages >>.
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