What is WHDI?

This page covers WHDI wireless technology. It covers WHDI technology basics used to provide wireless HDTV connectivity. The page also covers difference between WirelessHD and WHDI.

WHDI stands for Wireless Home Digital Interface. It is basically a consumer electronic specification designed and developed to take care of wireless HDTV connections between various devices throughout the home/business premises.

WHDI help in delivery of uncompressed HD digital video over RF channel which connects video source devices with any compliant display devices. WHDI consortium which drives the standardization and success of the WHDI based consumer products. The companies such as Hitachi Ltd., Motorola, Sharp, Sony, Samsung, LG are part of this WHDI consortium.

Difference between WirelessHD and WHDI

Following table mention difference between WirelessHD and WHDI with respect to key features/specifications.

Specification/feature WirelessHD WHDI
Standard V1.1 (Jan2010) WHDI 1.0
WHDI 2.0
Data rate 10 to 28 Gbps 400 to 800 Mbps
Image Quality full 1080p upto 4K, 120Hz,3D full 1080pixel/60Hz
Low cost network architecture No encoding or decoding 4 to 5 RF devices needed
Latency <1ms low, about <1ms
Power Consumption <4Watt very less, about 5Watt
Interference free Yes No
HDMI v1.4 compliant Yes No

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IoT Wireless Technologies

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RF and Wireless Terminologies