Sigfox bandwidth, Sigfox distance, Sigfox data rate, Sigfox frequency band, Sigfox message size, Sigfox modulation scheme, Sigfox applications, sigfox power consumption, sigfox capacity, sigfox protocol

This page mentions sigfox specification table covering Sigfox bandwidth, Sigfox distance, Sigfox data rate, Sigfox frequency band, Sigfox message size, Sigfox modulation scheme, applications, network architecture, power consumption, capacity, protocol etc.

Specifications SIGFOX
Frequency Band 868 MHz in Europe and 915 MHz in USA
Bandwidth 200 KHz
distance 30 to 50 Km in rural and 3 to 10 Km in urban areas.
data rate From 10 to 1000 bps (100 bps is ideal for IoT applications)
message size For 12 bytes of data to be transported sigfox frame uses 26 bytes in total. This includes overhead.
modulation scheme BPSK i.e. Binary Phase Shift Keying in the uplink (from end points to gateway (BS) )
GFSK in the downlink (from gateway to end points)
applications M2M and IoT (Internet of Things) based applications to provide wireless connectivity to electric meters, smart watches, washing machines etc. Mostly low energy devices/equipments transmitting/receiving few bytes are covered using Sigfox technology.
architecture star consisting of sigfox objects, sigfox base stations, sigfox cloud, customer IT server
power consumption About 61mA (at the time of transmission)
Capacity A Sigfox receiver can handle 30,00000 devices or objects.
protocol Extremely light, when object has something to report, it just creates radio signals to send this message to Base Station (i.e.BS), the BS retrieves/checks the message and passes it to the cloud, the cloud authenticates the sender and action to be carried out on arrival of this message based on ID and report the message to the customer. This is the simple procedure followed to uplink the message. Similarly two way communication can also be carried out.

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