PMR446 radio frequency channels | walkie talkie channels

This page describes PMR466 radio frequency channels. These channels are used in walkie talkie used as private mobile radio.

PMR446 is introduced in UK for voice communications within shorter distances. It is used in office buildings, factories and buildings for both business and commercial users. The devices using this technology is known as walkie-talkie.

There are eight frequencies which are used anywhere in the UK. PMR-446 radio equipments are hand portable and have single antenna which can radiate with ERP of 500mWatt. The PMR466 equipments are compliant to ETS 300 296 standard. These PMR466 radio frequency channels are separated by 12.5 kHz frequency from each other. Following table mentions these eight walkie-talkie channels.

PMR channel number Frequency (MHz)
1 446.00625
2 446.01875
3 446.03125
4 446.04375
5 446.05625
6 446.06875
7 446.08125
8 446.09375

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