Li-Fi internet vs WiFi internet-LiFi internet,WiFi internet
This page compares Li-Fi internet vs WiFi internet and mentions basic difference between LiFi internet and WiFi internet types.
As we know Li-Fi is the short form of Light Fidelity and Wi-Fi is the short form of Wireless Fidelity. LiFi uses light for data transmission while WiFi uses electro-magnetic waves at radio frequencies for data transmission. Due to less interference incurred by light compare to radio frequency waves, it is used in more dense environments.
LiFi covers distance of about 10 meters while WiFi covers about 30 meters. Both provides almost same data transfer rate. Let us understand Li-Fi internet and Wi-Fi internet network architectures.
Li-Fi internet

• The figure-1 depicts Li-Fi internet network architecture.
As shown in the figure there are two major components in Li-Fi internet viz.
LED Lamp and Li-Fi Dongle.
• As shown lamp driver is connected with internet on one end and with LED lamps on
the other end. Streaming content from internet are pushed to the LED lamps through Lamp driver software.
• LED lamps are placed at different locations as per requirement in the office or home
premises for multiple users.
• Li-Fi dongle is used in order to use Li-Fi internet services by various users.
As shown Person#1 is browsing internet in Laptop, Person#2 in tablet and Person#3 in smartphone.
• As shown LiFi dongle is composed of photodetector, amplification & processing and
applications for different types of data.
• All the LED lamps can be swithed on and off using a power button switch provided.
• Li-Fi internet provides very fast data rate at 1 Gbps speed.
Wi-Fi internet

• The figure-2 depicts Wi-Fi internet network architecture.
• As shown in the figure there are two major components in WiFi internet viz.
WiFi router and WiFi dongle or WiFi Stations.
• WiFi router is connected with ADSL modem or Cable modem. This modem is connected with network of internet service provider.
• WiFi router works on multiple bands (e.g. 2.4 or 4.9 or 5 GHz) as per requirement.
It converts internet data packets into wifi compliant signals at above bands.
WiFi works on IEEE 802.11 standards.
• These EM waves are received by WiFi dongles or Stations connected
with IP compliant devices.
Hence WiFi internet is used by various clients as shown in the figure-2.
LiFi and WiFi Related Links
LiFi tutorial
LiFi vs WiFi basics
Data Over Light basics mentioning how Li-Fi works
WiFi Internet using WiFi hotspots
MiFi vs WiFi
WiFi RF Channels
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