LTE EARFCN to Frequency Conversion
LTE EARFCN stands for E-UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number. The page describes LTE EARFCN equation and table for calculation of downlink EARFCN(NDL) and uplink EARFCN(NUL). It provides link to LTE EARFCN calculator which is very useful for LTE EARFCN to frequency and vice versa conversion.
EARFCN number is within range 0 to 65535 and equation between LTE carrier frequency(MHz) and EARFCN is mentioned below.
Fdownlink = FDL_Low + 0.1 (NDL - NDL_Offset)
Fuplink = FUL_Low + 0.1 (NUL - NUL_Offset)
NDL is downlink EARFCN
NUL is uplink EARFCN
NDL_Offset is offset used to calculate downlink EARFCN
NUL_Offset is offset used to calculate uplink EARFCN
Following table mentions EARFCN to frequency conversion for both the downlink and uplink direction for LTE network. One can also use EARFCN calculator to avoid self calculation.
E-UTRA band | FDL_Low (MHz) | NDL_Offset | downlink EARFCN(NDL) | FUL_Low(MHz) | NUL_Offset | uplink EARFCN (NUL) |
1 | 2110 | 0 | 0-599 | 1920 | 18000 | 18000- 18599 |
2 | 1930 | 600 | 600-1199 | 1850 | 18600 | 18600- 19199 |
3 | 1805 | 1200 | 1200-1949 | 1710 | 19200 | 19200- 19949 |
4 | 2110 | 1950 | 1950-2399 | 1710 | 19950 | 19950- 20399 |
5 | 869 | 2400 | 2400-2649 | 824 | 20400 | 20400- 20649 |
6 | 875 | 2650 | 2650-2749 | 830 | 20650 | 20650- 20749 |
7 | 2620 | 2750 | 2750-3449 | 2500 | 20750 | 20750- 21449 |
8 | 925 | 3450 | 3450-3799 | 880 | 21450 | 21450- 21799 |
9 | 1844.9 | 3800 | 3800-4149 | 1749.9 | 21800 | 21800- 22149 |
10 | 2110 | 4150 | 4150-4749 | 1710 | 22150 | 22150- 22749 |
11 | 1475.9 | 4750 | 4750-4999 | 1427.9 | 22750 | 22750- 22999 |
12 | 728 | 5000 | 5000-5179 | 698 | 23000 | 23000- 23179 |
13 | 746 | 5180 | 5180-5279 | 777 | 23180 | 23180- 23279 |
14 | 758 | 5280 | 5280-5379 | 788 | 23280 | 23280- 23379 |
LTE EARFCN Calculator
Following is the ultimate LTE EARFCN to Frequency conversion calculator.
LTE Tutorial related links
What is LTE? Terminology 3GPP ref LTE tutorial LTE Features LTE Bands EARFCN vs frequency LTE frame FDD vs TDD LTE Channels LTE Advanced