Infrared sensor basics | Infrared sensor network working
This page describes basic function of Infrared sensor. It mentions working Infrared sensor.
Infrared is the radiant energy which is invisible to the human being. They have wavelength which is longer compare to visible light wavelength. The wavelength of infrared waves fall between 700 nm to 1 mm. This corresponds to 430 THz to 300 GHz respectively in the electromagnetic spectrum.
Infrared sensors are devices which emit and detect the Infrared waves as required in order to detect the distant object.
There are many applications of IR sensor as mentioned below.
• Target acquisition and surveillance in military.
• Tracking
• Night vision
• Infrared spectroscopy
• Thermal efficiency analysis
• industrial facility inspections
• environment monitoring and weather forecast
• Wireless communication such as IR TV remote
• remote temperature sensing etc.
Infrared Sensor working
• There are two components in Infrasonic sensor viz.
transmitter and receiver.
• whenever voltage is applied to IR LED of transmitter it generates IR waves.
IR transmitter transmits IR waves to a few distance.
• Receiver detects reflected IR waves and produces voltage accordingly.
If there is no object in the vicinity of IR sensors then there will not be any reflected IR waves and
hence there is no voltage output of IR receiver.
If object presents, it receives reflected wave and produces voltages accordingly.
This voltage levels are compared using comparators or microcontrollers for
further processing. This is the way Infrared sensor works.
Also refer IoT compliant sensors which includes ambient light sensor, optical sensor, gesture sensor, proximity sensor, touch sensor,
fingerprint sensor etc.
Refer Sensors and transducers article which covers types, basic functions and provide links to sensors and transducers.
It include temperature sensor, humidity sensor, strain sensor, proximity or occupancy sensor, force or load sensor, voltage and current sensor, pressure sensor, speed sensor, resistance sensor, power sensor, level sensor,
event or state sensor etc.
Sensors and Transducers Related Links
Proximity Sensor
Occupancy Sensor vs Motion Sensor
LVDT and RVDT sensor
Position, displacement and level sensor
force sensor and strain sensor
temperature sensor
pressure sensor
Humidity sensor
MEMS sensor
Touch sensor
Haptic sensor
Wireless sensor