Flexible Waveguide basics | Flexible Waveguide Types,benefits
This page describes flexible waveguide basics and mentions types of flexible waveguide including its applications and benefits or advantages.
What is Flexible waveguide?
The type of waveguide which allows certain degree of movement without
disrupting radio signal propagation through microwave waveguide based
transmission systems is known as flexible waveguide.

Function: When rigid waveguide systems are not positioned accurately they are connected together using flexible waveguide. In the similar way, it is often used to connect antenna with the transmitter part of the wireless system when their positions are not fixed.
The flexible waveguide allows mechanical movement (expansion and contraction) and also handles any vibration effects.
Types of flexible waveguide
Following are the types of flexible waveguide.
1. flexible & twistable
2. flexible & non-twistable
3. flexible seamless
Both 1 and 2 are made using brass strip which is helically wound and silver plated. Protective jackets of various types are needed to provide mechanical support additionally.
The flexible and twistable type is sealed electrically. It has best twistable performance among all types. It can handle limited pressure and hence requires jacket for pressure sealing. Moreover flexible twistable waveguide is not suitable for low PIM (Passive Intermodulation) applications.
The third type, which is flexible seamless is thin-walled tube waveguide. It is pressed to form convolutions which will allow the waveguide to be flexed. It is not twistable in nature.
Functions and benefits of flexible waveguide
Following are the functional benefits of flexible waveguide.
• Used to connect waveguide parts which are not positioned
accuractely and it is difficult to connect them with the
help of normal rigid waveguide sections.
• It handles mechanical movement due to vibration, force etc.
• It saves maintenance time as one need not have to dismantle
entire waveguide systems and only parts or portions can be replaced with flexible
waveguide parts. This incurs insertion loss which needs to be taken care in
link budget.
Waveguide Related Links
Waveguide components manufacturer
waveguide dimensions table
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