EnOcean Frequency Bands | Europe, China, USA, Canada, Asia, Japan

This page covers EnOcean Frequency Bands used in various countries worldwide such as Europe,China,USA,Canada,Asia and Japan.

Introduction: EnOcean is the originator of energy harvesting wireless technology by its own name. The technical specifications of its protocol stack are defined in ISO/IEC 14543-3-1X and known as EnOcean standard. EnOcean Radio Protocol defines specifications for physical layer, data link layer and network layer. It is mainly used for building automation and smart home applications such as HVAC monitoring and control, lighting control, shutter control etc. It is also used in M2M and IoT applications. There are about more than 1500 EnOcean products in home and automation sector deployed worldwide from different manufacturers.

EnOcean technology does not require battery for its operation. The energy is derived from its surroundings. The three main sources of energy used by EnOcean technology are light, motion and change in temperature. As it is wireless technology, it does not require wires. It uses very tiny amount of energy for short telegram transmission for longer range which reduces chances of collision.

Sub 1 GHz frequency bands are used in EnOcean technology over 2.4 GHz due to following benefits. For specific IoT (Internet of Things) applications, 2.4 GHz EnOcean devices are still used.
• The sub 1 GHz radio frequency waves cover twice the range than 2.4 GHz radio signals.
• It offers double penetration through walls and furnitures compare to 2.4 GHz.
• 2.4 GHz system requires about four times more nodes to cover the same area as served by sub 1 GHz system. This increases overall cost of the system.
• Sub 1 GHz EnOcean frequency bands minimizes electric smog.

EnOcean Frequency Bands

The EnOcean technology at sub 1 GHz frequency is highly suitable for integrated building control due to robust transmission through walls, minimum interference during telegram transmissions and communication up to 30 meters (indoors) to 300 meters (outdoors). 2.4 GHz frequency band is more suitable for single room based solutions where higher penetration through wall is not needed. Following table mentions EnOcean frequency bands used across the world.

Region or Country EnOcean Band
Europe and China 868 MHz
Asia 315 MHz
USA and Canada 902 MHz North America
Japan 928 MHz
Worldwide for IoT applications 2.4 GHz

EnOcean wireless technology Related Links

➨Refer advantages and disadvantages of EnOcean Wireless technology >>
EnOcean technology basics >>


• Visit www.enocean.com for everything you would like to know about EnOcean technology from inventor and pioneer of this energy harvesting wireless technology.
• EnOcean Alliance

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