Advantages of X.25 | disadvantages of X.25

This page covers advantages and disadvantages of X.25. It mentions X.25 advantages or benefits and X.25 disadvantages or drawbacks. It also describes X.25 basics.

What is X.25?

The X.25 is a protocol used for end to end communication between DTE and DCE over packet switched WAN (Wide Area Network). It defines procedures used for establishing, maintaining and terminating connections. It defines other functions and services such as delay control, call direct, reverse charge etc.


The figure-1 depicts simple X.25 network. It operates at three layers of OSI stack viz. physical, datalink and network. Refer X.25 tutorial >> and Frame relay vs X.25 >>.

Benefits or advantages of X.25

Following are the benefits or advantages of X.25:
➨It is reliable protocol as it uses error control and retransmission of bad packets.
➨It has faster response times.
➨It does not have blocking except when network storage is flooded completely.
➨It handles both high speed and low speed data requirements.
➨The network is highly available due to use of distributed routing.
➨It uses addressing capabilities.
➨It can be statistically multiplexed.

Drawbacks or disadvantages of X.25

Following are the disadvantages of X.25:
➨It offers low data rate which is about 64 Kbbps.
➨It utilizes flow control and error control at data link and network layer. This results into larger overhead and consecutively slows down the transmissions.
➨Queuing delays
➨Small packet size
➨No QoS guarantees
➨Used for data only

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Networking Links

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