Advantages of Tri-Netra technology | disadvantages of Tri-Netra technology
This page covers advantages and disadvantages of Tri-Netra technology, its basics and working. It mentions benefits or advantages of Tri-Netra technology and drawbacks or disadvantages of Tri-Netra technology.
What is Tri-Netra technology?
The term Tri-Netra is the short form of Terrain Imaging for Drivers Infrared, Enhanced, Optical, and Radar Assisted.
This is indigenous technology developed by Indian Railways, which works on the same principle used by bats and whales to
locate objects in their path of the journey.

As we know natural creatures such as bats emit ultrasonic waves. These waves reflect back if some obstructions or objects are found in their path. These reflected waves are used by bats to determine whether to travel on the same route or change the path. Ultrasonic waves (i.e. ultrasound) refers to EM waves above frequencies of 20 KHz. These waves are beyond the audible range of human beings which is from 20 Hz to 20 KHz.
Let us understand the working operation of Tri-Netra technology employed by Indian Railways in the train. The system consists of infrared and optical cameras and radar assisted imaging system. They are installed in the front side and inside the train engine.
The Tri-Netra transmitter device continuously emit ultrasonic waves which are reflected back if any obstruction is being found on the track. These reflected waves are being analyzed by the radar system installed in the engine. This helps Loco pilot to apply brack immediately if any animal or other object is present on the trake. This information of obstructions will be available in advance to the loco pilots when train engine is few Kms away from it. Moreover cameras capture the image of the objects when train is few meters away from the objects. This alerts the loco-pilots.
Benefits or advantages of Tri-Netra technology
Following are the benefits or advantages of Tri-Netra technology:
➨It helps in detection of obstructions in bad weather conditions such as foggy atmosphere.
➨It helps railways to avoid loss of revenue by running the train even in foggy conditions.
➨The system uses ultrasound and hence do not annoy human beings as they are outside of audible range.
➨Ultrasound frequencies are unaffected by direct sunlight, fluorescent tubes and other sources of light which can interfere with infrared devices.
➨System is less expensive and hence it can be deployed in all the trains without much expenditure.
Drawbacks or disadvantages of Tri-Netra technology
Following are the drawbacks or disadvantages of Tri-Netra technology:
➨Ultrasonic sensors detect objects with maximum range of 20 meters. Moreover the object detection depends on shape, size and orientation.
➨Soft objects are not easily detected by ultrasonic waves.
➨The accuracy of object detection and the range of detection can be known after through testing in real time conditions.
Conclusion: In order to understand advantages of Tri-Netra technology and disadvantages of Tri-Netra technology one has to understand Tri-Netra technology working operation.
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