Advantages of Mini LED | Disadvantages of Mini LED
This page covers advantages and disadvantages of Mini LED and its basics. It mentions benefits or advantages of Mini LED and drawbacks or disadvantages of Mini LED.
What is Mini LED?
It is first proposed by company called Epistar for the LEDs with size of approx. 100 micrometer.
It is also called as "sub-millimeter light emitting diode". Mini lED offers improvement over
traditional LED backlight.
Mini LED display uses LED backlight to provide primary source of brightness which passes through LCD matrix and set of color filters to deliver us image on the screen. Mini LED based TV uses thousands of LEDs to power its backlight due to drastic reduction in the led size.
Conventional LEDs are used for lighting and as backlight modules for display screens. Mini LEDs are used for backlight applications in displays for power saving, thinner, HDR (High Dynamic Range) display and notch shape display designs. It is used in smartphones, automotive displays, TVs and gaming notebooks.
Benefits or advantages of Mini LED
Following are the benefits or advantages of Mini LED:
➨It is easier to achieve mass production of mini LEDs than micro LEDs.
➨All the existing equipments can be reused for mass production.
➨Mini LED is economical due to its huge potential in LCD display screens.
➨The cost of mini LED backlight is about 70 to 80 % of OLED TV panel.
➨It offers higher yield rate compare to Micro LED.
➨It offers high dynamic range.
➨Mini LED is much smaller size of LED.
➨Mini LED display provides greater control over local dimming.Hence it is possible to make portions of screen completely black in color.
➨It offers better contrast, better brightness and better black levels.
➨In addition to power saving, Mini LED products are as thin as OLED products.
Drawbacks or disadvantages of Mini LED
Following are the drawbacks or disadvantages of Mini LED:
➨Mini LED backlight uses about 18K to 20K LEDs. For example, 65 inch LCD panel with such backlight will largely consume production capacity of LED chip manufacturers.
➨It is expensive compare to normal LED type. Its cost is 20% higher than LCD panel.
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