Advantages of HMIC | disadvantages of HMIC | Hybrid MIC

This page covers advantages and disadvantages of HMIC or Hybrid MIC. It mentions HMIC advantages or benefits and HMIC disadvantages or drawbacks. HMIC stands for Hybrid Microwave Integrated Circuit.

What is HMIC?

The HMIC is the short form of Hybrid Microwave Integrated Circuit. The discrete components such as diodes, transistors, capacitors, resonators, circulators are fabricated separately using most appropriate materials and then mounted into the microstrip circuit and connected with bond wires unlike MMIC.

In MMIC, all these components are fabricated simultaneously including their interconnections on semiconductor chip.

Benefits or advantages of HMIC or Hybrid MIC

Following are the benefits or advantages of HMIC or Hybrid MIC:
➨Each components are designed with appropriate materials to achieve optimal performance.
➨Microwave components are constructed with lower loss by choosing optimal microstrip substrate.
➨HMIC can handle higher power due to use of heat-sink for high power generating elements.
➨Standard diodes and transistors function differently due to use of different circuit designs for them in Hybrid MIC.
➨The trimming adjustments are possible.
➨The Hybrid MIC construction is economical when small quantities (e.g. several hundreds) are fabricated together.

Drawbacks or disadvantages of HMIC or Hybrid MIC

Following are the disadvantages of HMIC or Hybrid MIC:
➨Wire bonds are used for interfacing outside circuit elements with microstrip assembly. This wire bonds cause reliability problems.
➨As circuit size is limited to few dozen compartments, the number of mounting devices are limited due to restriction on size and requirement of wire bonds for attachment.

Also refer advantages and disadvantages of MMIC>>.

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