Advantages of Gyroscope | disadvantages of Gyroscope
This page covers advantages and disadvantages of Gyroscope. It mentions Gyroscope advantages or benefits and Gyroscope disadvantages or drawbacks.
What is Gyroscope?
• The device which is used for navigation and angular velocity measurement is known as Gyroscope.
The Gyroscope made using MEMS technology is known as MEMS gyroscope.
• The MEMS gyroscope uses very small vibrating mechanism to detect changes in orientation.
The gyroscopes can measure rotational velocity of one, two or three direction axis.
3-axis accelerometer is used to implement 3-axis gyroscope.
• There are various types of gyroscope viz. Mechanical Gyroscope,
electronic gyroscope, MEMS gyroscope etc. Each of these types will have different advantages and disadvantages.
• The figure-2 depicts gyroscope implementation using MEMS.
• Gyroscope is used in various applications. It is used in military ordanance to provide backup in case an onboard GPS
system fails. It is also used in 3D game controllers, headsets, digital cameras, drones, automotive systems etc.
• Refer MEMS Gyroscope >> and
difference between accelerometer and gyroscope >>.
Benefits or advantages of Gyroscope
Following are the benefits or advantages of Gyroscope:
➨MEMS version of gyroscopes are extremely small and light in weight.
➨Gyroscope sensor resolution depends largely on spin rate of the rotor.
Moreover it is much higher than other force or tilt sensors.
➨Gyroscope compass indicates true north as opposed to magnetic north unlike magnetic compass.
Hence they are preferred sensor for high precision navigation systems.
➨It is fast in operation.
➨It measures relative orientation on all the three axes.
➨Gyroscope measures all types of rotation, but not movement. It can measure angular velocity.
Drawbacks or disadvantages of Gyroscope
Following are the drawbacks or disadvantages of Gyroscope:
➨They are more expensive alternative to navigation and tilt sensing applications.
Due to advancement in MEMS technology, MEMS version of gyroscopes are available at lower costs.
➨Free moving gyroscope type is always dependent on rotation of the Earth.
Hence fast moving objects moving on trajectory from the east to the west can not use
gyroscopes for navigation purpose.
➨It does not measure linear motion in any direction, or any static angle of orientation.
➨It is subjected to relative azimuth drift unlike compass.
Refer application note on interfacing of Gyro sensor >> with arduino uno board with pin to pin block diagram and source code.
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