Advantages of Green Mobility | disadvantages of Green Mobility

This page covers advantages and disadvantages of Green Mobility. It mentions Green Mobility advantages or benefits and Green Mobility disadvantages or drawbacks. Green Mobility is also known as sustainable mobility or Eco-mobility.

What is Green Mobility?

The term green mobility refers to use of transportation methods to achieve environmentally friendly and efficient mobility. The green mobility promotes walking and cycling in the cities. It encourages transportation modes which are not dependent on fossil fuel for its operation. The green mobility aims to achieve good air quality and to share the road among bicycles, pedestrians, buses and cars to have safe and environmentally friendly way. It creates cities which do not discriminate its people based on their age, social status or means of transport.

Green Mobility

The goals of green mobility is as follows.
• To avoid excessive use of motor vehicles.
• To shift focus from unsustainable modes of travel to more sustainable means i.e. to increase use of green transport.
• To integrate various transportation modes in the city and to innovate new transport modes such as rapid transit bus, public bicycles, bicycle rickshaws, e-cars, hydrogen cars etc.
• To encourage use of public transport and discourage use of private transport.

Examples of Green mobility implementations.
➨Bus rapid transit in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, INDIA: This innovative concept makes use of buses and provide metro like service to the people. The system reduces pollution to greater extent.
➨Freiburg city in Germany: The city is famous for use of bicycles than bikes. It also has extensive tram network and provides priorities to the pedestrians. It makes living without a car very easy.

Benefits or advantages of Green Mobility

Following are the benefits or advantages of Green Mobility:
➨It helps to ease traffic congestion, to improve air quality and to optimize transport networks.
➨It makes transport most efficient and environmental friendly. This makes businesses to attract employees and makes goods delivery smooth.
➨As the system reduces CO2 emission and makes clean air atmosphere. It produces less noise. Henc it increases quality of life and makes cities places to live in.
➨It makes cities safer for pedestrians and cyclists.
➨It generates opportunities for the electronic industry which include electronic components such as high power IGBTs, MOSFETS, EEPROM memories, protection devices, voltage regulators and other ICs.
➨Passengers can make use of afforable collective transport and shared car. The concept encourages travel on foot and by bicycles. As a result, green mobility model based transport systems consume least energy and produce less pollution and at the same time provide higher recognition to the passengers.
➨The system makes people healthier.

Drawbacks or disadvantages of Green Mobility

Following are the drawbacks or disadvantages of Green Mobility:
Electric Vehicles: Major challenges for adoption of EVs (Electric Vehicles) include high prices, inadequate charging infrastructure, limited range that vehicles can run on a single charge and limited available options. There are other disadvantages of electric cars which iclude availability of recharge points, long recharge time, less number of seats (i.e. 2) , shorter battery life etc.
➨Safety is a concern in a shared car method of transport.
➨Road infrastructure is not adequate for pedestrians and cyclists in developing countries such as INDIA, Pakistan, Bangladesh etc. This is the major challenge in adopting green mobility in such countries.

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