Mealy Machine Verilog Code | Moore Machine Verilog Code

This page covers Mealy Machine Verilog Code and Moore Machine Verilog Code.

Mealy Machine Verilog code

Following is the figure and verilog code of Mealy Machine.

Mealy Machine-Finite State Machine
module mealy_verilog_code(out, in, rst, clk);
output out;
input in;
input clk, rst;
reg out;
reg[1:0] state;
parameters0=2'd0, s1=2'd1, s2=2'd2, s3=2'd3;
always @(posedge clk or negedge rst)
if(rst==0) begin state=s0; out=0; end
else begin
case (state)
s0: if(in==0) begin out=0; state=s1; end
else begin out=0; state=s0; end
s1: if(in==0) beginout=0; state=s1; end
else begin out=0; state=s2; end
s2: if(in==0) begin out=0; state=s3; end
else begin out=0; state=s0; end
s3: if(in==0) begin out=0; state=s1; end
else begin out=1; state=s2; end
default: state=s0;

Moore Machine Verilog code

Following is the figure and verilog code of Moore Machine.

Moore Machine FSM diagram
module moore_verilog_code(out, in, rst, clk);
output out;
input in;
input clk, rst;
reg out;
reg[1:0] state;
parameter s0=2'd0, s1=2'd1, s2=2'd2, s3=2'd3;
always @(posedge clk or negedge rst)
if(rst==0) begin state=s0; out=0; end
else begin
case (state)
s0: begin out=0; if(in==0) state=s1; else state=s0; end
s1: begin out=0; if(in==0) state=s1; else state=s2; end
s2: begin out=0; if(in==0) state=s3; else state=s0; end
s3: begin out=1; if(in==0) state=s1; else state=s2; end
default: state=s0;

Verilog source codes

Low Pass FIR Filter
Asynchronous FIFO design with verilog code
D FF without reset
D FF synchronous reset
1 bit 4 bit comparator
All Logic Gates

RF and Wireless tutorials

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