Satellite Technology news

Sep.18, 2013
All of the eleven transponders operating in UHF, S, C and Ku-bands have been successfully switched on on sep.18,2013.
Their performance is found to be normal and in orbit-testing of all the communication transponder is in progress.
GSAT-7 has bee positioned at orbital slot of 74 deg. East longitude(in the geostationary orbit).

This multi-band communication satellite GSAT-7 launched from launched from Kourou, French Guiana on Aug.30 has been placed in geo-stationary orbit at the altitude of 36,000km on Sep. 3,2013.

ISRO India's premier satallite organization launched GSAT-7 Advanced Communication Satellite successfully.

As planned by ISRO,Master Control Facility at Hassan, Karnataka started acquiring the radio signals five minutes prior to the separation of GSAT-7 from Ariane-5 launch vehicle.

Satellite related resources

Satellite Terminology
satellite tutorial
Design of satellite Modem
VSAT Tutorial covering VSAT system overview

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